I really don't see the big deal as Jagex themselves added hotkey's

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Now for the RuneScape gold collecting the bones. It all depends on how much you make/hr. Should you make 2m/hr then it is 90 hours for your trickle bones and 72.5 hours for your dragon bones. And you must answer yourself if 2.75 hours is worth 35m. (Probably not). Therefore it is better in your case to use dragon bones, by 2.75 hours gap and 35m. Dragon bones are about the exact same time as frost bones, however you conserve 35m.

I really don't think so. As an example, if you press Esc to close your lender it would need to use coordinates to obtain the X to close the lender, which makes it illegal and automatic. Also pressing F10 to change to bank and gear, that isn't 1:1 input output. Moving from gear to bank is a number of purposes and is also impossible to do with 1 click unless you're hacking the game to make it to do that. If this isn't true then develop on what you want it to do, I did not really know what you're asking but I gave my own attempt.

Provided that it's 1:1 I really don't see the big deal as Jagex themselves added hotkey's for invent:D F1 etc.. I didn't know that so no have to be a jerk about it... The problem is still that you are becoming more than 1 output for 1 key press., you can not do this unless you are hacking on the game applet to add extra important bindings. You can do it via an external application but that isn't 1 input 1 output. The most you could do is make esc do a mouse cheap RS gold click, making it pointless since you could do this using Mousekeys.