Jaw Crusher Grading By Particle Size

  • 1 Grading by particle size

    Grading by particle size is mainly for fine particle, which is an accurate grading method. There are two ways to control the particle size: sieve mesh pore and jaw crusher working principle. The jaw crusher mesh sizes can control the two-dimensional size of the particles, and the sieve seam can only control the one-dimensional size of the particles, so the mesh control granularity is more precise.In order to prevent clogging, the fine material is mostly used sieve seam/ sieve strip rather than mesh pore type, and the fine jaw crusher often works in a high-frequency vibration mode.

    2 Gravity sedimentation classification

    The gravity settlement classification is realized by the different settlement velocity of the material particles in the fluid medium.In a fluid that rises at a certain speed, the sedimentation velocity of the coarser particle is higher than the fluid ascending velocity, and thus moves downward; the finer particle sedimentation velocity is lower than the fluid ascending velocity, and thus is driven upward by the fluid, thereby achieving classification.The density of the particles has an effect on the settling velocity and therefore has a certain influence on the classification process. The density of the gas is lower than that of the liquid, so dry gravity settling is suitable for fine-grained classification than wet gravity settling.

    3 Inertial grading

    When the direction of fluid movement changes, the particles of the material moving with the fluid deviate from the direction of fluid motion under the control of inertia. The larger the particle size, the greater the degree of deviation, whereby particles of different particle sizes are classified. In order to avoid the movement of the particles with the fluid, the friction between the fluid and the material particles is required to be as small as possible, and the dry classification is more suitable for adopting this principle.