Should you need to modify anything

  • I'd like to say that I enjoy memorial posts. I enjoy making a safe space for Animal Crossing Items people to share their heart and despair with us. I believe that for someone who does not know the rules to log and be exposed to then get their post removed or not approved would lead to further isolation and hurt.

    Should you need to modify anything, maybe you may add flair to memorial posts to serve as a cause warning to those who have unhealed hurt and prefer to jump past those articles.

    I really don't think the answer would be to eliminate them entirely. People come from a very vulnerable area posting those and are attempting to offer their heart to a safe community they hope will accept it. I think it could be really detrimental to find an automatic delete in return.

    Also seeing spoilers and time travel, I know think it's an incredibly difficult issue to medium concerning seasonal events and items. What is a spoiler for the northen hemisphere isn't a spoiler for the southern (and vice versa) and it could be unfair to police people's hemisphere option for the sake of a spoiler tag. I do however think that spoilers might be used for some time locked items (like the mario things ) which are hacked in prior to their launch date. This could be less taxing to medium as there's a fixed release date for the items along with the spoiler tag could be enforced in the afternoon of this upgrade to the day of thing launch. It is not something that disturbs me but could be something to consider.

    On shared occurances I think that landmark articles are good for the subreddit overall as animal crossing is largely a game about setting your own goals and I think that it's great that people have a place to discuss them. I am also very sympathetic about the sticky limit and with that in mind I think the present codes and queries threads do a nice job of maintaining the subreddit tidy.

    Anyhow that was my 2 cents, I believe you guys are doing a fantastic job with the subreddit and you're taking it in a fantastic direction!

    There should be more limitation on this. Literally so many posts of"Margie Wearing Glasses CuTe! 1" or "AnKhA on The Beach wow!" Like they're not even pointing out anything unique or special with the sport.

    Other items like getting a Jacob's Ladder flower are much too repetitive. Like I'd understand if they did with all the article like displaying their five star islandbut using a shaky mobile phone pic of the cheap Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook Miles Ticket switch revealing they got 5 stars and a screenshot is low effort.