RuneScape - We will remove any bots that are in the game

  • We'd like to runescape gold 2007 create a forum that allows us to conduct specific Q&A's as well as receive your feedback on specific initiatives. We will notify everyone when the forum is established and will invite them to join. We hope you and your friends will utilize the tools we provide to assist us in stopping spammers, like the Spam Filter.

    We ask to stop using bots to help gold farmers. Bots will not exist if there is no market. It takes the courage to stand up against your friends, but it can be done in a way that is more persuasive than just standing up to Jagex. The player continued to say, "The community needs to be a part of the solution by following the rules and shunting those who don't.

    Without customers, bot-setting websites will close and the only person who can be a bot is the actual player. The three pillars Jagex set up for its the code of conduct "Honour", "Respect" and "Security" is a responsibility for the players as much as Jagex.

    We will remove any bots that are in the game. We will provide an open and honest dialogue with you regarding the actual challenges we face due to our efforts. We want to involve you in the fight to ensure that we collectively win the battle. We also are committed to investing in RuneScape's development and growth. Thank for your support.

    Do you see the bot busting update's effects? Personally, I see myself getting a rapier for a complete mother fudgebrownieing joke. I'd trade in my rapier for ZS and a maul. It's so ridiculous. I attempt to go through the frost dragons. I have to tab out my first attempt because I was unsure about flame. The second trip is successful - until then whups! My rapier is hit and Mother Fudger raises her deflector shield. When I consider it, SoSolid should post a video of buy RuneScape gold him attempting suicide (with the Frost Dragon Shield ...) lol).