Finding the key from King Lathas

  • I'm sure I'll be able to defeat the Demonic Gladiators.... I'm sure I can! Excellent! Before I can give you the sword you must provide me with three keys. These three keys were kept by RuneScape Gold the Three Kings of Runescape. King Lathas of Ardougne took the first. The second was taken by the King Roald of Varrock. Prince Ali took the third. I think the High Priest stole it from Ali However. Bring me the keys, go forth.

    Finding the key from King Lathas. The King should ask King Lathas for the key. Hi my friend, adventurer. I'm currently too busy to chat. Do you have the key you received during the meeting with Prince Ali and King Roald? What can you tell me about this? Varce said to me. He spoke about Demonic Gladiators returning.

    I don't have the time. If you can bring me some Maple Logs, I will be able to give it too you. You shouldn't buy maple logs for sale at a cheap price! The logs must be cut by yourself! (45 Woodcutting to Cut an Oak) Bring the Logs back to King Lathas. Okay. It is possible to take this key. You must leave now. The Key is obtained from King Roald. Talk to Advisor Grihm and then go to King Roald.

    Good morning, Adventurer. The King is too busy to entertain guests today. It's an emergency! All of Gilenor could be lost in the event that this isn't dealt with! Sorry, but I'm unable to (Player Name), come here. I seem to have an hour or so. Thank you, My Leige. I have one issue. Gilenor is having a problem.

    Varce suggested that I obtain the key from him, so that the Demonic Gladiators wouldn't kill us. Poppycock! This is a flimsy lie! What in the name of Guthix do you think I am to Buy Old School RuneScape Gold be? Do you think I'm a fool?