Scamming is another way to earn yourself black marks

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    It is a pisses me off: How come each time you try to boost your level you get banned randomly for something you didn’t do? This is putting us off, along with 4-5 friends. It's probably the third or fourth time that I've been exiled. I DON'T KNOW WHY. "Atleast In WoW (world of Warcraft), you wont get banned for a random cabbage reason quotes from friends.

    Thats why i Sick of this shizzle and you are able to report me for swearing. I don't care the only subject I am will write about so .... HAVE FUN getting an account with a high level of lvl like i made it over combat lvl 120 and was then banned... Have fun!

    Since for me and my friends put together we cant even count on both hands the number of times we've been banned from RUNNESCAPE... This must be something you're doing wrong, as I've heard of many many people who have high level accounts, and who have had no problems with these things.

    But, we don't really approve of these threads here, because honestly, we can't have a thread for everytime someone gets hacked/scammed/banned. Jagex did this because of Buy OSRS Fire Cape these reasons. Try to be more polite and watch out for swearing as it is the easiest way to get banned. Scamming is another way to earn yourself black marks. You can avoid getting in trouble by playing normally and helping others.